Please note: Osher Rainforest will be closed for maintenance Jan. 14–16.
As the Academy's first Affiliated Artist, Michael Bartalos presents the series of work he's creating using recycled materials from polar research facilities in Antarctica to inspire sustainability worldwide.
March 4, 2009
Michael Bartalos
The items I collected and shipped home from Antarctica have arrived. I'm pretty excited to have this eclectic collection of treasures in hand and am in the process of cataloging them to keep track of...
March 3, 2009
Michael Bartalos
In this sketch a silhouetted figure lurks by the letterpress in th
March 2, 2009
Michael Bartalos
I'll be drawing on Shackleton's and Scott's huts for key content a
March 1, 2009
Michael Bartalos
I've gotten word that the material I collected and shipped from Antarctica is at Port Hueneme on its way to San Francisco, so it won't be long before it arrives. I'll introduce the items as I unpack...
February 15, 2009
Michael Bartalos
Greetings from San Francisco where I'm back with family, back in the studio, and back to the Long View Project blog. Apologies for the less frequent updates while I settle in and await arrival of the...
January 26, 2009
Michael Bartalos
By 3 P.M. today, we'd been transported to Willy Field by "Ivan the Terra Bus." I was officially en route back home.
January 26, 2009
Michael Bartalos
Today brings my project's chapter on the Ice to a close. I've been packing, shipping material home, and saying goodbyes. I depart McMurdo for Christchurch this afternoon, and in a couple days I'll...
January 25, 2009
Michael Bartalos
While discoveries are being made in the Lab downstairs, I'm making my own in the Crary Library upstairs.
January 25, 2009
Michael Bartalos
The Albert P. Crary Science and Engineering Center, commonly known as Crary Lab, is pretty much my favorite place in McMurdo. It's the primary laboratory and research facility for Antarctic...