Galapagos Islands image

Previously recorded on Wednesday, March 20, 2024.

Member Talk recording
The Galápagos Islands: A century of Academy science and conservation

The Galápagos is an amazing archipelago that has become a laboratory for studying evolution, ecology, and natural history. The Academy has a long relationship with the Galápagos - starting with the Schooner Academy that sailed to the Galápagos in 1905 and produced the largest collections from the longest single expedition ever made to the Galápagos. Today, the Academy is continuing its work through its vast collections and through its collaborations with the Charles Darwin Foundation, the Galápagos National Park, the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Jocotoco Foundation, and other important scientific and conservation partners. Now more than ever, Ecuador and the Galápagos stand ahead of many countries or island archipelagos in their commitment to regenerating the natural environment, and the islands are now becoming a natural laboratory for regenerative science and management.

Join Dr. Jack Dumbacher, Curator of Ornithology and Mammalogy, to hear more about these amazing islands, the state of today's science, and how that science is contributing to conservation and regeneration of one of the best-preserved island archipelagos in the world.‌