Please note: Osher Rainforest will be closed for maintenance Jan. 14–16.
Featured Articles
Today's post is Science Today's last. Thanks for joining us these past eight years!
Ecologically- and economically-rich coral reefs occur in very specific places on our planet.
How can we effectively communicate the urgency around plastic pollution in the ocean to effect change?
Warmer waters off of the coast of California are wreaking havoc on local fisheries.
What if scientists could predict a volcanic eruption and the severity of its effects?
The same movement of tectonic plates that causes destructive earthquakes can also provide constructive conditions for life...
From glaciers to plants to ocean salinity—how is the Earth’s climate changing? How will it change?
It's the two year anniversary of the beginning of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill-- what have we learned?
Learn how scientists are engineering safer buildings, bridges and roads to stand tall in the next big jolt.
This month we look at the warmest March in North American history, Texas tornadoes and Antarctic algae blooms—all from space.
This month we celebrate 50 years of imaging Earth from space and focus on icebergs, storms and deforestation.
Slower neutrinos and speciating microbes: our news round-up/follow-up from the past week!
What the Earth Microbiome Project is teaching us about the important role microscopic life plays on our planet.