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Ecologically- and economically-rich coral reefs occur in very specific places on our planet.
How can we effectively communicate the urgency around plastic pollution in the ocean to effect change?
Warmer waters off of the coast of California are wreaking havoc on local fisheries.
New research reveals that our planet’s rainforests may be better equipped to survive rising temperatures than previously thought.
Climate scientists and policy makers are developing new tactics to fight climate change and its deniers.
The recent discovery of life within 50 million year old amber from India, gives scientists surprising "photos".
Nine months later and scientists are beginning to understand the intensity of the Haitian Earthquake.
Gambling pigeons, baseball, oil spill and the existence of Gliese 581g: Here are some science news stories we didn’t want you to miss this week.
Citizen scientists can join the Royal Navy (100 years ago!) to contribute to future climate models.
The horror story of the Hungarian toxic sludge seems to be getting scarier...
Surprisingly, reduced solar activity may actually cause warmer temperatures here on Earth.