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Hubble’s Hidden Treasures is the latest, non-fulldome presentation by Morrison Planetarium. Part of the Academy’s Hidden Treasures themed programming, this live, 15-minute show explores the scientific contributions of one of the most successful missions in space exploration. We’ve included some links below to help you find additional information related to topics covered in the program.

Hubble Site

Hubble’s Optics

James Webb Space Telescope

Great Observatories Project

Hooker Telescope

Edwin Hubble

Electromagnetic Spectrum and telescopes

Behind the Pictures

Free iBook of Hubble Space Telescope and James Webb Space Telescope

Up-to-date Hubble images of comet ISON

Interactive Edwin Hubble’s desk

Henrietta Swan Leavitt and other female astronomers

Hubble inspired fashion


Hubble’s Hidden Treasures runs every 45 minutes on most weekends through January 26 in Hohfeld Hall. No passes necessary, all ages welcome.


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